Small & flexible

Being an intentionally small, highly skilled team allows us to be much more agile and responsive than the bigger agencies. We’re not into hierarchy and don’t have any unnecessary middle management, paperwork or processes. The person you’ll speak to on the phone is the very same person working on your project.


We’re passionate and up-to-date with the academic side of UX design and web technologies, but that’s not to say we not afraid of employing heuristics or rolling up or sleeves when necessary. We’re not interested in producing deliverables for the sake of it. We generate what we need to get the job done as best and efficiently as possible.


User-centered design is our mantra and underpins everything we do. Our philosophy has always been and always will be to approach design solutions from the end-user’s point-of-view and not let technological constraints determine a solution or drive a product.

We love a challenge

Problem solving is what it’s all about to us. We love the challenge of taking a complicated design problem and developing a solution that’s super-simple and intuitive to use. We find it liberating, not daunting. We love to explore all of the possible design options, iterating and improving until we’ve found the best solution possible


We’re big on research. Not huge research documents for the sake of it, or unnecessary deliverables to impress your boss with, but enough research to provide us with a very comprehensive understanding of your project.

Geeky by nature

We’re all over the latest technologies and aren’t embarrassed to admit we get excited about the latest new Apple products or web techniques. It may be geeky, but we consider it a strength. We love hanging-out with other nerds to talk geek-speak too.